The Complete Teacher


Understanding and reducing teacher stress

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 23 July 2021, 12:00 SAST

Article by Rachael Thompson 

Teaching is one of the most valuable and important jobs out there, but it can also be one of the most stressful jobs. Striking a balance between teaching, lesson planning, marking homework and counseling students can be challenging for many teachers. Stress is inevitable, but it’s essential to learn how to improve teachers’ mental health to help them cope with stressors. 

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15 Professional development skills for modern teachers

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 22 July 2021, 13:25 SAST

Article by Jannele Cox

When schools are looking to hire a teacher, there are a few basic requirements: a degree, experience working with children, and, of course, patience. Teachers need a variety of professional development skills along with knowledge of their subject matter and experience in order to be an effective teacher.

Likewise, as rapid developments in technology integrate into our day-to-day lives, they affect the way students learn and teachers teach. Modern teachers need to be competent in not only basic skills but new skill sets.

Bleow are fiveteen 21st century professional development skills, “modern skills,” that today’s teachers should possess.

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12 New-Teacher strategies

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 22 July 2021, 12:25 SAST
Article by Melissa Kelly
New teachers typically anticipate their first day of school with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. They may have gained experience teaching in a controlled environment under a supervising teacher in a student teaching position. The responsibility of a classroom teacher, however, is different. Check off these 12 first-day strategies, whether you're a new teacher or a veteran teacher, to set yourself up for classroom success from day one.

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Building resilience as a new teacher

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 22 July 2021, 11:20 SAST

Article by Anna Mae Tempus

Resilience is necessary for any young teacher setting out into the field for the first time. It is vital that new teachers have the  tools, equipment and strategies for the classroom.

When tension rises in a class whether it stems from a conflict between students or miscommunication between the teacher and the class, the stress can be palpable. Try a strategy called “Roses and Thorns” as both a preventative measure and a way to encourage productive conflict resolution and self-advocacy.

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Administrators need to remain mindful

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 22 July 2021, 09:35 SAST

Article by Education Dive

With new teachers, regardless of how much talent and promise they bring to the table, there are plenty of guaranteed rough spots before they find their rhythm. While it can be discouraging, this is the reality of virtually any profession. Nonetheless administrators can also take a number of steps to ease disappointment and help young educators learn from those setbacks rather than dwelling on them or letting them crush their optimism or passion for teaching.

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How to be an exceptional mentor teacher

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 21 July 2021, 14:50 SAST

Article by Gayle Furlow

To become a certified teacher, most countries require a bachelor’s degree, student teaching and a passing score on teacher certification exams. Although student teaching provides invaluable training, it rarely allows enough time for new teachers to learn everything they need to know when they first start teaching. This is why every new teacher needs an exceptional mentor teacher when they begin their teaching career.

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Six ways to support new teachers to stay in the profession

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 21 July 2021, 11:05 SAST

By Dr Suzanne Hudson, Alexandra Lasczik &Sarah James

Teaching is hard. Staying in the teaching profession can sometimes be even harder. High workloads, perceived lack of support, work-life balance and the absence of recognition appear to impact new teachers’ decisions to stay. Some new teachers also report a lack of job security. A report found support for new teachers was not equally available to all of them. Here are six ways schools can support new teachers so they can transition successfully into the profession and stay there.

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Tips for new teachers from veteran teachers

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 21 July 2021, 10:05 SAST

By Nancy Barile.
Stay ahead of the new teacher learning curve with these tips. A new teacher hopes to be ready for anything at the start of teaching, but that is seldom the case. We asked a few teachers to tell us the one thing they wish they knew before they began their teaching careers.

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Classroom management Is key

"I wish I knew more about classroom management techniques. That would have made my first year a lot easier. It's impossible to teach students anything if strong classroom management strategies aren't in place, especially if you're a new teacher because students will try to push you as much as they can. I learned pretty quickly only to send a student to the principal as a last resort. If you play that card too early, you'll have nowhere left to go with your students, and your principal will think you can't manage your classroom. So give detentions, call parents, have conversations with students."
— Kenny

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Thirteen ways education could change

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 01 July 2021, 10:05 SAST

Article by Terry Heick

1. Elementary school might evolve
Modern learners must consume, evaluate, and integrate constantly changing data in highly-dynamic and visible contexts. In 2013 (when this post was originally published), most elementary schools were (are?) more less tiny high schools, with a balance of reading, writing, mathematics, geography, and other ‘core’ skills, while character training supplements academic work. Though that balance tends more towards literacy than it does in most high schools, this minor adjustment is insufficient to meet the needs of a modern world.


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Seven good feedback principles

Posted by Hlengiwe Zwane on 01 July 2021, 08:55 SAST

Stage 1: Clarify what good performance is
Students can only achieve learning goals if they understand those goals, assume some ownership of them, and can assess progress (Sadler, 1989; Black & Wiliam, 1998). If students do not share their teacher’s conceptions of assessment goals (and criteria and standards) then the feedback information they receive is unlikely to ‘connect’ (Hounsell, 1997).

One way of clarifying task requirements (goals/criteria/standards) is to provide students with written documents. However, many studies have shown that it is difficult to make assessment explicit, therefore, strategies must include verbal explanations.


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