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In Africa, we say that “It takes a Village to Raise a Child”. We know this to be true! A Better Africa Foundation has worked for over 16 years on education projects and initiatives in South Africa and across the Continent. We are probably best known for our literacy initiatives and spelling bee programmes, and we are proud and excited by their continued growth. But our children and youth have many needs that range from numeracy & literacy, to psychosocial support & trauma counselling, to health & fitness coaching, to career guidance & mentorship.

So we are calling the African Education Village together!

To Build a Brighter Future for all our Children.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child!

We are that Village!

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CSTL is for all schools, governments ministries, non-government organisations and communities. Where are you in your journey? Explore the route below where you will find content related to challenges and some specific solutions. We invite you to join this vibrant engaged community and become a contributor to where SADC education is heading.

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With THE COMPLETE TEACHER, Our mission is to provide educators across Africa with access to a growing library of FREE teaching resources. This will improve the quality of education learners receive. You can access resources such as teaching guides, documents, and videos across numerous topics. Visit the group.

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THE STAFFROOM is a space where Africa's educators can connect, share challenges, successes, and also access free live coaching sessions.

PLEASE NOTE: Visitors are able to browse the community but you will be required to become a member to access most of the content. Please contact usf if you would like to be invited to join the community.

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The team at A Better Africa in collaboration with Courage Child Protection & Empowerment, have curated The Courage Community, where along with you, Africa’s educators, we would like to build a connected community that puts the right and needs of our children first.

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'Epelle-moi Afrique du Sud (French Spelling Bee South Africa) was born from a meeting between Roger Dickinson (CEO A Better Africa & Spell It SA) and Muriel Huet (Education Consultant & Director Épelle-moi Afrique du Sud). Together, they decided to set up this educational program, in order to promote the French language in Southern Africa, French being the fastest growing language on the African continent.

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What is the meaning of play-based learning?

But what does “play-based learning” mean and why is it important? To put it simply; children learn through playing. During play, children explore, take risks, engage their imagination, and solve problems. They are learning valuable skills that support social, physical, and cognitive development. If you are interested in learning more or being invited to this private group, please.contact us.


WELCOME TO A-BETTER-AFRICA. Are you a teacher? Do you represent a school or an organization that works with schools? Are you having difficulties navigating our platform? No worries, explore this group for assistance. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Our team is on standby to answer all your question


Featured Group

The Complete Teacher

Category: Vocational

The Complete Teacher is a growing free resource for teachers across the African continent.


  1. African Education Village Literacy Group photo
    African Education Village Literacy Group


  2. BRIDGE - Early Childhood Development Community of Practice photo
    BRIDGE - Early Childhood Development Community of Practice

    Adult education

  3. NECT Literacy Innovation Promotion Clinic photo
    NECT Literacy Innovation Promotion Clinic
    Glenburn Lodge, Muldersdrift, SOUTH AFRICA


  1. UNESCO QPE Steering Committee photo
    UNESCO QPE Steering Committee


  2. UNESCO QPE Technical Working Group photo
    UNESCO QPE Technical Working Group


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    A Better Africa Support

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    What can teachers do to ensure that the rights of children are respected and protected?


    Posted by Janice Scheckter

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    What strategies do you use to maintain a healthy work-life balance as a teacher?


    Posted by Letswalo L Marobane

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