The Complete Teacher


According to an article published on The Conversation, in January 2023, physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. It’s also associated with chronic illness and disability. Recent research estimates that the world could see close to half a billion new cases of major chronic diseases by 2030 if people don’t get more active. Regular physical activity helps to prevent and manage many chronic diseases. Popular ways to be physically active include walking, cycling, and playing sports.

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Student entrepreneurs have gained global attention for their creative businesses and inspiring motivation. Of course, student entrepreneurs aren’t born – they’re nurtured. Having the right entrepreneurship education doesn’t only unlock students’ potential to start businesses. It helps them develop crucial skills for their future success. When kids start their businesses, they learn to problem-solve and gain confidence.

By inspiring students to be entrepreneurs, we empower future business leaders and innovators. Student entrepreneurs represent our future workforce, economy, and society. That’s why it’s important to give student entrepreneurs the knowledge and tools to make their ideas real.

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In a world that’s constantly evolving, the fusion of creativity and business acumen in young minds is not just beneficial—it’s essential. Kidpreneurs, with their boundless imagination and fresh perspectives, are uniquely positioned to lead the charge in innovation. This blog post delves into the importance of nurturing these skills and offers actionable strategies to help the next generation of entrepreneurs turn their visionary ideas into reality.

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DIY Edible Slime for the Home or Classroom

Posted by Letswalo L Marobane on 15 January 2024, 16:10 SAST

We’ve all seen the mesmerising videos of gooey slime being squished and squeezed and shaped into all sorts of things. Those videos are great fun to watch, and making slime is a DIY-friendly project that can be done at home. But if you want to go a step further, we’ve got a DIY edible slime experiment! Hot on the heels of National Science Week, this edible slime experiment is fun for kids of all ages, and the best part is that you get to eat the colourful slime when you’re done!

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How to Make Science Fun!

Posted by Letswalo L Marobane on 15 January 2024, 14:05 SAST

Science is one of the most engaging and hands-on subjects in schools, but it’s not always easy to get students on board. Science classes explore some pretty complex topics. That can be a challenge, especially for younger students, so it’s worth putting some thought into how to make science fun!

Having fun in the classroom isn’t just about keeping students interested. Research shows that having fun actually increases brain activity and releases dopamine and oxytocin. This creates a feedback loop that helps students associate learning with enjoyment and positive emotion. That’s good for class performance, and it encourages students throughout their school career and into the rest of their lives.

In this article, we’re going to explore some of our favourite ways to make science fun and encourage students to get involved!

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Why Science Is Important for Kids

Posted by Letswalo L Marobane on 15 January 2024, 13:50 SAST


Science is a major part of the Australian school curriculum. As jobs and technologies shift towards science-heavy industries, we’re spending more time teaching kids about science. That’s great news for students – it means they’re being equipped with the tools they need to take on schooling and their future careers. In this article we are going to explore. why science is important for kids and some of the ways you can encourage students to get involved!

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Coping with the exam season as a member of staff

Posted by Karabo Kgophane on 30 October 2023, 19:25 SAST
Karabo Kgophane photo

As exam season edges closer, much of the focus will be on supporting your students. It is important to recognise, and accept, that exam season could also be stressful for you. You are not alone. As these teachers confess, feeling increased stress during the exam season is a common experience for staff.

Photo by Kampus Production

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Top Tips on how to deal with teacher exam stress

Posted by Karabo Kgophane on 30 October 2023, 19:20 SAST
Karabo Kgophane photo

Exam season is here, and with that comes stress…lots of it. And it’s not just pupils who get stressed, it’s teachers too.
Many teachers feel they’re expected to perform miracles and get blamed when students don’t do as well as they – or particularly their parents – expected them to.

Acknowledging that this is a stressful time for everyone concerned is the first step; learning how to manage and deal with the stress is the next.

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