The Complete Teacher


Super senses - Exploring the five senses

Posted by Karabo Kgophane on 28 September 2021, 13:30 SAST


This FutureFit lesson is designed to supplement a standard 12-15 unit lesson on human anatomy (exploring the 5 senses) for grades 4-6 Science by offering a unique project that ties together the core academic concepts with a set of FutureFit social-emotional and 21st Century Skills.

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Classroom Management Practices

Posted by Karabo Kgophane on 23 September 2021, 11:05 SAST

Source: Crisis Prevention Institute

Student behaviour, students like shouting, not paying attention, avoiding work, disrespect, refusal, and engaging in power struggles take your focus away from teaching and students’ focus away from learning. The following classroom management strategies can be used to help maintain student focus and create student consistency around class expectations.

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