The Complete Teacher


Working with students who face emotional and behavioural challenges

Posted by Karabo Kgophane on 29 September 2023, 10:35 SAST

The following techniques can be especially effective when dealing with students exhibiting emotional and behavioural disorders:

1. Planned ignoring

Behaviours displayed to seek attention and do not pose safety risks or disrupt group functioning are best addressed through planned ignoring. This technique should never be used for aggressive behaviours. It may be necessary to teach the class to do this as well. Peer attention can be even more powerful than adult attention for some students.


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Behavioural and Social Interventions

Posted by Letswalo L Marobane on 28 September 2023, 16:30 SAST
Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu:
Identify characteristics of students with learning disabilities and link to descriptions of successful strategies for working with these special children.
Editor's note: For more information on each of the characteristics, as well as successful strategies, click on the links below.

Four of the most common and troublesome characteristics of learning disabled students are:

  1. Impulsivity: the tendency to jump into a situation without thinking or making a plan.
  2. Disorganization: the inability to organize the simplest of tasks.
  3. Distractibility: the inability to sustain attention appropriately.
  4. Poor memory: the inability to remember information that has been taught.

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