Adult education

FutureLife-Now! Showcased at International Trade Fair

Posted by Letswalo L Marobane on 27 July 2023, 11:10 SAST
Letswalo L Marobane photo

As FutureLife-Now! continues to expand its reach and impact, it remains dedicated to empowering Zambia’s youth and ensuring a healthier and brighter future for all.

The FutureLife-Now! Programme in Zambia recently participated in the 2023 International Trade Fair (ITF). This high-profile event provided an excellent opportunity to promote the Programme and showcase its commitment to the well-being and empowerment of Zambia’s youth. Through networking, new partnerships were established, with the aim of raising awareness about crucial health and wellness issues and the empowerment of the next generation of youth.

This annual event, which draws many dignitaries, was held from 26 June to 2 July 2023, under the theme, “Stimulating Economic Development Through Partnerships, Trade and Investment”.

Visitors to the exhibition stand

FutureLife-Now! has a strong partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Health. “During the event, we proudly shared our collaboration with the Ministry of Health to strengthen healthcare for adolescents. President Hakainde Hichilema visited our stand and expressed his satisfaction with this partnership,” said Country Coordinator in Zambia for FutureLife-Now! Charity Banda. She explained that this critical alliance ensures that the Programme can make a significant impact on the health and well-being of Zambia’s youth.

President Hakainde Hichilema visited the FutureLife-Now! and Ministry of Health exhibition stand

The FutureLife-Now! team also seized synergies and opportunities through collaborations with other organizations, notably, a partnership with the Lusaka Agriculture Commercial Show to raise awareness about issues such as adolescent HIV prevalence and teenage pregnancy. This collaboration is expected to yield significant results within the community.

Another notable partnership was forged with the Zambia National Union of Teachers. The exhibition stand attracted the attention of the Union, who expressed interest in collaborating with FutureLife-Now! to support learners and teachers in schools. By educating them about topics like HIV, climate change, and boys’ vulnerability, FutureLife-Now! aims to contribute to the holistic development of students and foster a positive learning environment.


Charity Banda (right) Country Coordinator in Zambia for FutureLife-Now! pictured with Dr Abigail Tuchili, Ministry of Education FutureLife-Now! Focal Point Person

Along with the Ministry of Education and partners, the exhibit received the second prize in the Best Exhibitor category in recognition for its outstanding display and engagement with visitors.

The participation of FutureLife-Now! in the 2023 International Trade Fair marked a significant milestone for the team in Zambia. The formation of strategic alliances with influential stakeholders serves as a testament to the Programmer’s success and progress in the country. Moreover, these partnerships highlight the potential of FutureLife-Now! to make a meaningful difference in the lives of adolescents and young people by addressing crucial health issues and promoting overall well-being.

To view more pictures, visit the Facebook gallery here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=mietafrica&set=a.643347677784911

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