Adult education

Online Platform Becomes a Tool for Education Mobilization || CSTL Pulse Promotes Engagement Amongst Care Support for Teaching and Learning Stakeholders in the SADC Region

Posted by Letswalo L Marobane on 19 September 2022, 12:50 SAST
Letswalo L Marobane photo

CSTL is a framework through which Ministries of Education of the SADC Member States can lead and coordinate the range of care and support services delivered in and through schools

Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) is an innovative approach that responds to the millions of children and youth in the SADC region whose right to education is compromised by a host of barriers to quality teaching and learning. In an effort to support the education sector to strengthen their systems so that schools are able to serve as sites of integrated support where quality education is secured, an online community – CSTL Pulse – was launched in May 2021.

An initiative of SADC and supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Save the Children International, CSTL Pulse has proved to be a valuable tool to mobilize knowledge sharing across key areas of the education ecosystem by connecting the SADC CSTL teaching and learning community with the common goal to improve African education.

CSTL is a framework that mandates and guides the SADC Ministries of Education, in partnership with their sister ministries and non-government partners, to mainstream care and support across their education systems. Developed regionally by the SADC Secretariat, MIET AFRICA and UNICEF ESARO, CSTL was adopted by the Education Ministers of all Member States in 2008. FutureLife-Now! is a regional programme that contributes to the CSTL Policy Framework by addressing some of the key challenges confronting the region’s youth, including HIV&AIDS, unplanned pregnancy, gender-based violence, climate change and youth unemployability.

CSTL Pulse www.cstlpulse.africa

It is widely acknowledged that knowledge management and sharing play a key role in the greater effort to drive systemic and behavioural change. CSTL Pulse presents a unique opportunity for SADC Ministries of Education (and other ministries), CSOs, NGOs, schools, and educators to come together in one space – to connect, exchange ideas, share knowledge and access resources. The platform offers members and users an opportunity to create pages, upload content, publicize events, and host and participate in discussion forums on www.cstlpulse.africa. The site also offers technical support through a team which assists users with managing content.

Membership on the platform is free, and CSTL Pulse encourages all those in the education community to sign up as members of the online group, actively engage with other members by sharing progress, initiate or participate in discussions, and upload useful resources to promote knowledge sharing and engagement.

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