The Complete Teacher


Blended learning


What is blended learning?
The global digital shift has not only impacted the way in which we socialise and communicate but it has also influenced the development of education. There are various methods that have been used to incorporate the use of technology in the development of education.

The blended learning method helps develop the interests and individual skills of any student much more than the classic lessons. One of the blended learning strengths is its structure that can adapt according to different needs:

  1. Online lessons with periodic lectures.
  2. Online lessons alternated with independent learning.
  3. Online lessons with teachers who give instructions.
  4. Students take online courses to refine the lesson.
  5. Mainly frontal lessons integrated with technological supports.

What are the benefits of Blended Learning?
Blended Learning has the great advantage of being able to customize the teaching approach according to students’ needs, exceeding the limits of the “one size fits all” education methods that are adapted just to some individuals inside a classroom.

New technology and new devices now make it possible for high customisation of learning times in the classroom, allowing everyone to follow their own pace. This could mean that teachers can determine whether to accelerate the learning process or integrate the program with advanced elements to align with the keenest students.

What skills does blended learning develop?
There are also many skills that this method allows students to acquire. Such as students using technology with ease, an instrument with which they feel more comfortable in comparison to the previous generations. An increase in students ability to concentrate and their interest. Allowing students to learn through data research. Another strength to remember is that blended learning allows constant monitoring of one students’ progress The following are the main skills blended learning help to develop:

  • Self-learning
  • Data Search
  • Decision-making processes
  • Overall computer skills
  • Greater concentration
  • Decreased stress and frustration

Blended learning aims precisely at eliminating traditional teaching methods and promoting a stimulating and more personalised learning method to best develop the potential of each individual.

Read more on Personalised learning here

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