The Complete Teacher


Rubrics resources

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A rubric is a set of scoring guidelines for grading student work. When you give students a new assignment, you can also provide them with the assignment's rubric. This sets clear expectations and makes the grading criteria transparent before students begin the work. Using a rubric also ensures that you use the same criteria to grade all your students.





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Group activity rubric

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This customisable rubric evaluates students' participation and performance in a group activity. This rubric can be used for a variety of group activities, including language arts, social studies presentations, science projects, and others.

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Multimedia rubric

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Allows you to evaluate students' projects for content clarity and legibility.

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Poetry activity rubric

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Use this rubric when you are having your students write their own poetry. This printable includes directions for how to score each element independently and a space for comments with which teachers can offer specific or collective feedback.

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Resume and cover letter rubric

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The organisation, elements of resume and cover letter writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece are scored in this rubric.

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Writing activity rubric

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This customisable rubric will help you assess your students' writing performance across your curriculum. The ten-point scale makes it easy to convert to a percentile score or a letter grade. Tailor the PDF to your needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

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Expository writing rubric

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Use this six-point rubric to evaluate expository writing. It may also be used as a four-point writing rubric.

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Persuasive writing rubric

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Use this six-point rubric to evaluate persuasive writing. It may also be used as a four-point writing rubric

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Narrative writing rubric

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Use this six-point rubric to evaluate narrative writing. It may also be used as a four-point writing rubric.

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Drama rubric

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Use this resource as part of language arts or drama class - it is appropriate for screenwriting, drama, or playwriting.

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Designing an experiment rubric

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Use this rubric to assess student's performance levels in designing a scientific experiment. The ten-point scale makes it easy to convert to a percentile score or a letter grade. This printable is customisable. Tailor the PDF to your needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

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Blank printable rubric

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This blank grid will make it easy for you to create your own rubrics. This printable is customisable. Tailor the PDF to your needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing. Can be used to create rubrics for a variety of classes, lessons, or projects.

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Cooperative group rubric

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Distribute a rubric that allows you to evaluate students' performance on group projects. Use this scoring guide with "More Computer Activities Through the Year," or with other group projects for grades 4 through 8

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Individual activity rubric

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This customisable rubric will help you to assess students' comprehension and performance for individual activities. The ten-point scale makes it easy to convert to a percentile score or a letter grade. Tailor the PDF to your needs by typing in the highlighted fields before printing.

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Research, report/paper scoring rubric

The organisation, elements of research report/paper writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece are scored in this rubric.

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Accessing PowerPoint rubric

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Use this guide to evaluate your students' PowerPoint slide shows and their presentations. Included in the packet are a sample rubric and thought frames to consider when reviewing your students' work.

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Scoring rubric

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The organisation, elements of summaries, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece are scored in this rubric.

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Portfolio assessment rubric

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Evaluate performance over an extended period of time by incorporating portfolios in your student assessment. This customisable rubric will help you assess the neatness, accuracy, and completeness of components in a portfolio.

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Comments (2)

Good day don't you have rubrics for grade R only please

Default user photo
Charlene Kannemeyer

1 year ago

Hi Charlene, thank you for reaching out. Please let us know what kinds of rubrics you are looking for so that we can assist you. Browse through these resources and see which ones can apply:

Hlengiwe Zwane

1 year ago

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