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Building EQ resilience

Posted by Ann Baret on 11 January 2019, 15:50 SAST
Ann Baret photo

EQ or Emotional Intelligence is a topic that is spoken of often but rarely understood. We know what IQ is and many judge others based on this. IQ is important, sure, but having low EQ can knock you right out the park when it comes to life in general and in business.

While some have natural high EQ, others have to work at it and that is where a coach can come in quite handy.Building EQ resilience is something you can learn and it can be a saving grace in this crazy world.

The most common elements of EQ are:

1.       being aware and understanding yourself

2.       being aware and understanding others,

3.       being able to empathise,

4.       the ability to overcome challenges, and

5.       being able to monitor and control your own emotions effectively.


You will find many of these may come easy to you but there are most definitely a few where you struggle. Engaging with a coach can ease you into a lifelong journey of building your EQ resilience.

Areas that will be focused on will be taking a holistic approach to where your EQ stands at present and how you can build on specific areas to improve. We would look at setting boundaries that are both healthy and beneficial to you and others. We will find ways to motivate and encourage you through times when your EQ generally fails you. And, most importantly, we will find what fills you with purpose, because those who have purpose and hope will always have a higher EQ.

If you are ready to push the limits and build EQ resilience, get in touch with me today. I look forward to guiding you through this exciting adventure.

#teamdynamics #annbaretcoaching #eq #businesscoaching #coaching #eqresilience #leadership

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