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Climate change and its impact on Africa's youth: Why is urgent action needed?

What concrete actions can we implement in our SADC societies as we are trying to adapt climate change?

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What concrete actions can we implement in our SADC societies as we are trying to adapt climate change?

2022/06/23 11:03 SAST (edited) by Moderator


Picture by Lameck Masina

(2 out of 2 people found this post useful.)

1. 2022/06/23 15:26 SAST (edited)

Concrete actions include:

  1. create climate adaptation projects through proposal writing to indicate activities of implementation.
  2. Resource mobilization and climate change adaptation.
  3. Creating linkages with other stakeholders that have similar challenges.
  4. Continuous societal awareness on the causes and effects of climate change focusing on natural and man-made ones.
  5. Implementing climate-smart Agriculture focusing on resistant seeds, early maturing crops, etc.
  6. Establishing DRRCCA structures from village to National levels and global levels.
2. 2022/06/23 15:36 SAST (edited)

7. Develop and implement disaster management and contingency plans that will run from village to National.

8. Conducting feasibility study to identify disasters that continue happening.

9. Conduct advocacy for budget allocation on DRRCCA intervention. 10. Conducting periodic reviews on DRRCCA effects/ impacts.

11. Developing action plans to guide project activities implementation.

12. Conduct participatory capacity and vulnerability analysis of the affected communities.

Download the document above to read more.

3. 2022/07/01 15:17 SAST (edited) by Moderator

1. Rainwater Harvesting

Heavy rainfall is a recurring occurrence in various countries including Malawi. Since mid-December 2012, Malawi has been experiencing heavy rains and storms. This oftentimes results in flash floods that cause havoc, especially in the floodplain, for humans, livestock, and farmland. When rainwater is harvested, however, it can be used in times of shortage and floods can mostly be mitigated. Mindful of this, as a requirement for the award of my Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management, this year, 2022, I did a research/study on ‘valuation of Rainwater Harvesting Technologies as flood mitigative tools in the face of climate change’ in Malawi.

I found the Rainwater harvesting technologies like Check dams, medium dams, plastic tanks, infiltration pits, swales, stone bunds to be effective climate change adaptive tools amid floods.

2. Climate change Modelling

Climate change is complex! Hence, we cannot rely on experiments as they are not adequate to solve long term phenomenon. Challenged with this, its high time we give attention to Ecological Mathematics, so as to simulate climate change over an epoc of 30 years. Under ecological modelling, we can be using deterministic models to simulate the future, having known the climatological statusquo!

3. Climate Change related innovations

Innovations are everywhere! But it takes us, present on this forum, to bring them into climate change arena! What if we initiate global competition on more climate adaptive inventions and/or innovations? For instance, The LifeSaver Bottle! It is a portable water purification device. The bottle filters out objects larger than 15 nanometers.

TheLifeSaver Bottle is a microbiological water filter that uses ultra filtration technology to filter out viruses, bacteria, cysts and parasites from contaminated water sources. Those in flood evacuation places, can make use of these bottles; as most of the waters get polluted when flooding occurs.

4. 2022/07/04 20:28 SAST (edited)

§To ensure that kids remain in school despite a changing climate we need to do more research as needed to understand how climate c conditions impact places and among different population.

§Ruler part of southern Africa might find that the effects of heavy rains or drought on agricultural production and household income drives extreme poverty as many depends on agricultural as the source of income to finance their children education. Meanwhile supporting underprivileged communities with hybrid seeds, small scale businesses and exclusive capacity building to sustain better during drought seasons will help to return benefits to these families and be able to finance their children education.

§Public stakeholders, Civil Society Organizations, International Organizations should help to provide cash transfers to poorest households, which would help buffer their income during periods of environmental stress for instance in SADC Region there are many early marriage’s that depends on grandparents whilst grandparents do not have tangible source to provide basic needs and finance their grandchildren education except farming. In this case the more the stakeholders lock and hide their finance to support education the more the poverty will increase at extreme level.

5. 2022/07/05 11:53 SAST

By mobilizing people! Specifically, local communities and youth-networks. One example is the 1 Million Youth Action Challenge, which has a database of concrete environmental actions (also focused on actions relation to climate change) that individuals can do: https://1myac.com/en

6. 2022/07/05 14:27 SAST

Please find time to read the attached. Also, I think we need to do the following in the SADC in order to adapt to climate change:

  • Save energy and promote renewable energy. However, I have a question whether renewable is a just means to save us from climate change?
  • Reduce emissions
  • Put 3 R's of sustainability into practice i.e., reduce, recycle and reuse
  • Avoid deforestation
7. 2022/07/09 12:38 SAST

Yes! renewable energy is a means to save us from climate change and taking us to a more sustainable life. Actually you might notice that in many big companies or industries uses production machines that requires a lot of energy, think about HYDRO POWER source in SADC counties how water is mismanaged in the name of enerygy source, well think about National Central Pourty's, how CO2 or greenhouse gases is generated into the air contributing to global warming. Meanwhile replacement to renewable energy will help to achieve this sustainable future but it must be practiced in all sectors public to private, community to individual and all productions spaces. Hence climate is general is major such that failing or left it behind then the world will not be able to mobilize resources needed to excel in these other goals because there will be no safe environment to sustain.

8. 2022/07/29 09:13 SAST

Dealing with climate change also need to think of those poorest societies inaccessible funds to SADC in general is the worst expectations of better results for example developed nations they have lower waste statistics report per year than developing nations and it is already imagined that by 2050 in developing nations is going to be worse. Meanwhile in SADC region we need more investments i mean more productions that help to reduce waste, we might local based solutions but support is not there. So funding campaign to poorest nations is among of the concrete actions. Investing in financing young people`s actions is among of the concrete actions.

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