The Complete Teacher


How To Teach Visual Arts In Primary School

Strategies for incorporating visual arts in the classroom

Show how art is relevant across all subjects

At any school, art should be integrated into the other STEAM subjects such as science, maths, social sciences and languages. This can be incredibly useful in fostering students’ creativity and encouraging learning and knowledge retention much more effectively.

Include drawing and other forms of art in activities

In order to widen understanding of the subject, including art activities such as drawing, sculpting, photography or woodworking into other subjects can be extremely helpful and not just an illustrative purpose.

By integrating visual arts into other subjects and activities, the activity itself will be experienced deeper and be retained much longer, assisting children with exploring the possibilities of the activity in their own way.

Link art class projects to other subject areas

Using art education to enhance other subject areas such as maths, biology or language can be a great way for children to deepen their understanding and tackle the issue of barriers when it comes to individual learning.

Some children might be better visual learners and therefore more able to understand geometry by building their triangles. Others can understand biology better if they get to sketch their items of interest beforehand. In languages, a picture can spark creativity to express different writing concepts and speak freely.

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