The Complete Teacher


What is Digital Literacy?

Digital literacy goes beyond the basic ability to navigate a digital device or use the software. It encompasses a broader set of skills, such as finding, evaluating, creating, and communicating information using digital technology. It includes being aware of digital security, understanding the social and ethical implications of the digital world, and using technology to solve problems and facilitate collaboration.

Why is digital literacy important for educators?

Educators play a crucial role in moulding the upcoming generation, hence they should possess a strong command of digital tools and be skilled in guiding learners to utilise these tools in a responsible and efficient manner. Digital literacy aids in creating a more engaging and interactive learning environment, foster critical thinking and prepares learners for an increasingly digital workforce.

How to apply digital literacy in the classroom?

  1. Make your class more engaging with digital aid in order to captivate the attention better and for longer.
  2. Guide your learners to be digitally literate such that it benefits them to strive in the present digital world and also safeguards them from mishaps. Some ways you can help are:
  • Teach them to use it appropriately, to evaluate and question the source rather than believing it blindly.
  • Save them from fake news, traps of online advertisements, plagiarism, etc.
  • Educate them about cyberbullying and how to deal with it.
  • Push them to be more creative, challenge themselves and grow to better positions.

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