Philipstown Primary School

Primary School
  • Mathanzima Street, Lukhanyisweni, Phillipstown, 8795
  • Philipstown, Northern Cape
  • +0536650471


Posted by Mark B Ballot on 19 April 2024, 14:35 SAST
Mark B  Ballot photo

It is often said, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.” But that is not just some throw away cliche, there is true power in teamwork.

*“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve UNCOMMON results”*

Being self-focused can seriously limit our potential and success in life. In our individualistic society today, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of personal success and lose sight of the bigger picture.

There is immense personal growth that occurs when you work in harmony with others. When you collaborate with a team, you're exposed to diverse perspectives, new ideas, inspiration, encouraging energy and innovative approaches. This not only expands your own skill set but also cultivates qualities in you like adaptability, empathy, and resilience.

*“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team”*

Healthy competition is good but from a spiritual perspective it is better to view others as collaborators instead of competitors. Your success is intertwined with the success of those around you.

Let the power of the team flow through you. Always be getting help and input from those who are ahead of you or stronger than you. And always be giving help to those who are less able than you are. Get mentors, counselors and many advisers. And be all those things to others.

*“Don’t aspire to be the best on the team. Aspire to be the best for the team.”*

Remember, when you lift others up, you also elevate yourself.

Happy Friday

All the best to you 

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April 2024, Term 2

Posted by Mark B Ballot on 04 April 2024, 16:10 SAST
Mark B  Ballot photo

As we set out at the beginning of a new term, remember that you possess within you an extraordinary power. You have the power to shape the destinies of the young ones in your care. And while you are helping to form their futures you are at the same time shaping your own.

Every new beginning is a fresh start. It is a chance for you to forget what is behind and to set off on a bold new path.

With every new opportunity there will also come new challenges. Face them with courage and determination. See them as the stepping stones that will forge your character and mold you into the kind of person who can turn dreams into reality.

This is really your moment to shine. You are saving the world one child at a time.

So dare to dream boldly, set audacious goals, and refuse to settle for anything less than greatness. 

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Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Kenneth Yoko on 26 March 2024, 14:10 SAST
Kenneth Yoko photo

My name is Kenneth Yoko 

I am a Teacher Assistant at Philipstown primary school Pixley 

1. I did  the Spell2read2write programme 

2. We have struggled with the projector its not working to play the video's for the kids and now there a new request that is needed by the Philipstown highschool that we must keep the profile of the kids on the programme of Spell2read2write

3. I aslo ran through with the kids for spelling bee competition internally

4. Highlights of the quarter 

The sponsor that we got from Umjoli foundation with Uniform schooling equipment 

5.The students that were not part of the program that are coming from other province 

We have to pay more attention to and the management of the 2 Mutligrade Grade 2&3 and grade 5&6

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Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Sisipho Papashe on 21 March 2024, 18:20 SAST
Sisipho Papashe photo

Update on the Spell2read2write program Q1, 2024

My name is SISIPHO PAPASHE I am the Teacher Assistant at PHILIPSTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL .This is my update for Quarter 1 of 2024

In Quarter 1, we completed the following activities of the spell2read2write program,

I identified the 15 Priority learners in grade 4 and worked with them doing spelling and reading.

I did the "ORAL READING FLUENCY TEST" with them they were reading about "The Big Red Apple" and counting the number of words they read in a minute.  

I did the videos with them, which taught them about the vowels and consonants. 

We did the Alison courses, which were really interesting and inspiring.

4. The highlight for the quarter was

Being able to work with the Priority learners because they need time, attention and patience.

Doing the Alison Courses.

Learning how to post our reports on the ABA website by ourselves. 

5. The challenges I found were

Some of the priority learners are struggling with reading and spelling.

Not having a projector or computers for when we have to listen/watch the videos. It's a struggle to use a cellphone.

6. In the next quarter, I will be focusing on working hard with the priority learners for them to be able to spell.

Doing more reading so they'll be able to read a lot of words in that specific time set.

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