Philipstown Primary School

Primary School
  • Mathanzima Street, Lukhanyisweni, Phillipstown, 8795
  • Philipstown, Northern Cape
  • +0536650471

Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Kenneth Yoko on 26 March 2024, 14:10 SAST
Kenneth Yoko photo

My name is Kenneth Yoko 

I am a Teacher Assistant at Philipstown primary school Pixley 

1. I did  the Spell2read2write programme 

2. We have struggled with the projector its not working to play the video's for the kids and now there a new request that is needed by the Philipstown highschool that we must keep the profile of the kids on the programme of Spell2read2write

3. I aslo ran through with the kids for spelling bee competition internally

4. Highlights of the quarter 

The sponsor that we got from Umjoli foundation with Uniform schooling equipment 

5.The students that were not part of the program that are coming from other province 

We have to pay more attention to and the management of the 2 Mutligrade Grade 2&3 and grade 5&6

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