Using copyright protected images
If you use stock images, you often have choices about what type of license you have for using the image. Generally speaking, the more expensive the license, the more you can do with the image. When you use a stock art service like Getty, make sure the license you choose allows how you’re using the image.
Just because you paid $11.99 for a stock art photo doesn’t mean you can use it however you want. Many licenses limit the purchaser to personal use only, online media only (versus print), or a certain number of uses.
If you’re a designer or you use stock art to create images for others, make sure you have the license to do so. Sometimes you may need to make sure your customer buys the license directly from the company.
On the website where you purchased the image, look for license guidelines in the footer. Or you can always reach out and ask the company if your license permits your intended use of a picture.
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Here is a guide that will help you add content to your school's profile so that you can make it more engaging.
Using copyright-protected images
Using images of real people without violating their privacy rights
Using images of children in the media
Visit our privacy page and terms page for more information.