Visisani Primary School

Primary School
  • Hugo Street, Petrusville, Phillipstown, 8770
  • Petrusville, Northern Cape
  • +0536630169

Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Angelique Walter on 02 April 2024, 21:10 SAST
Angelique  Walter photo

My name is Angelique Nomtha Walter. 

I am an Teacher Assistant at Visisani primary school. 

This is my Update report for quarter 1 of 2024

In quarter 1 I have managed to complete the following

Activities of the spell2read2write program 

▪︎The big red apple story

▪︎Reading out loud 



▪︎The Oral Reading Fluency test 

▪︎The Schonell spelling test

My Highlights for this term was being able to have some time

To work with the prioritylearner's. And also being to complete 

My online courses which helps me alot in sharing some of the

Ideas and experiences to the class and also seeing my learner's reading 

and writing improved. 

My challenges for this quarter was it was a very short quarter 

For me to complete all the activities of the spell2read2write and few of them were lacking 

This was challenging for me because we only got 30 minutes a week to work with the learner's. 

In the next quarter I will be first focusing mostly on the learner's who have interest in the Spelling bee and also focusing more on reading with the priority learner's because 

Some of them are having difficulties in reading and pronouncing of English words. 

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