Visisani Primary School

Primary School
  • Hugo Street, Petrusville, Phillipstown, 8770
  • Petrusville, Northern Cape
  • +0536630169

Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Malizole Jacobs on 02 April 2024, 21:00 SAST
Malizole Jacobs photo

My name is Malizole Jacobs. 

I am the Teacher Assistant at Visisani Primary school in Petrusville.

This is my update for quarter 1 of 2024

In quarter 1, we completed the following activities of the spell2read2write programme, the big red apple (story), class management process, snap game from the resource pack, reading workout, vowels, consonants, how to be a superhero (story), oral spelling test. My highlight for the quarter was that all the learner's were participating in the activities I was applying to them. We were able to do a lot of activities due to the learner's determination and their working rate. They were willing to work and willing to learn new things.There are only few learner's that are still struggling a bit but most of the group is improving and growing. The challenges I found was not being able to have enough time with the learner's due to the learner's writting tests and the term being short. Some of the priority learner's were finding it hard to concentrate as they were separated from the class. Few priority learner's were lacking  and that was time consuming because we only had 30minutes with them. In the next quater I will be focusing on the class management process, because some of the learner's tend to laugh at one another when someone makes a mistake while reading. Reading drills, to improve the learner's reading speed and spelling.

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