The Complete Teacher


Polar Powers: Animal Adaptations Teaching guide


PREPARE 5-10 Minutes

  • Print the “Arctic and Antarctic Animals” page and cut the animal names apart
  • Hang a paper with with the word “Arctic” on one side of the classroom and “Antarctic” on the other side of the room
  • Ask students to walk to the side of the room where they believe their animal lives
  • Ask students to say their animal, one at a time, and determine as a class if the animal is in the correct location
  • If they choose the wrong location, ask them to move to the other side of the room
  • Point out that these animals have specific adaptations that enable them to be successful in their polar environment.

Animals of the Arctic - mini lesson powerpoint


Animals of the Antarctic - mini lesson powerpoint


Arctic and Antarctic study and viewing guide


PARTICIPATE 5-10 Minutes

Divide students into groups of 3, and ask them to choose a polar animal and the adaptation they will investigate. (If possible, each group should choose a different adaptation to demonstrate… you can have them draw numbers to make the selection process fair, if necessary.)

Provide access to internet for related research

After selections are finalised, the groups can fill in the top portion of the Polar Powers Project Worksheet with the appropriate information.

Polar powers project worksheet power pack



PRODUCE 10-15 Minutes

KWL chart version 1



PRACTICE 10 Minutes

Students should research 1-2 of their “want to know” points on the KWL chart for homework, and record their research on the chart.

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