The Complete Teacher


Exam Stress: How to plan ahead to be Stress Free. (Animation)

Karabo Kgophane photo

Added by Karabo Kgophane
8 months ago

Linked from: youtube
Exams, the dreaded 5 letter word in every student’s vocabulary. Just the mere mention of it is enough to induce stress; every student’s worst enemy. Hold onto your adrenaline and don’t get stressed for we have got you covered.
So what is the science behind getting stressed?
The amygdala located in the brain senses potentially stressful situations and activates the hypothalamus which carries the message to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland then in turn activates the adrenal gland which results in secretion of the hormones adrenaline and cortisone. These hormones are responsible for inducing the fight or flight response in the body. When stress levels get too intense it results in negative symptoms.
Keep on watching to find out the best ways to deal with exam stress and how you can transform it from your worst enemy into your friend.
1. Plan ahead
One of the key factors contributing to stress during exams is the massive workload. The best way to tackle this is to start studying well in advance so that the study material can be dealt in small doses instead of one mega dose avoiding the volcano effect. This will not only help in dealing with the stress effectively but also help in retaining more information.
2. Set Goals
If procrastination was a disease, the magic cure would be setting goals. When I was studying in medical school, each day, after waking up I used to set attainable goals for me. Goals give your brain a direction and destination. You get the urgency to commit to studying so that you will be rewarded with the satisfaction of achievement. I slept best on days I reached my goals.
3. Take frequent study breaks
Studying for long periods without taking breaks has been proven to be ineffective. Furthermore psychological studies have found out that the average human brain can only concentrate on one task effectively for 45 minutes. Therefore it is important to take frequent breaks not only to optimize studying but also to give the brain it’s much required rest. You can either take small 5 minute breaks every 45 minutes or follow the Pomodoro technique. The pomodoro technique is very effective if you are trying to fight off procrastination as well.
Of course for many of us a 5 minute break ends up becoming more than 5 minutes and next thing you know it’s time to sleep. This brings us to our next tip which is sure to help you in combating this problem.
4. Make a time table and stick to it
Preparing a time table with slots for the study material you are planning to tackle for the day, study breaks and whatever else you have in store for the day not only helps in keeping your breaks in check but also helps in making maximum use of the day. Yes we all know that making a time table is easy but sticking to it is easier said than done. Some tips that will help you in sticking to the timetable you have made for yourself is making the time table the previous day and making it as realistic as possible by setting realistic goals and breaks.
5. Get enough sleep
Most of us are guilty when it comes to this one especially during the exam season. But not getting enough sleep actually does more harm than good for your exams. Sleep is an important human function and is instrumental in recharging the brain and body. Decrease in quality and length of sleep leads to increased stress levels. Therefore it is important especially during exam season to not compromise on your sleep. Young adults require a minimum of 8 hours of good quality sleep to function optimally.
6. Exercise
Apart from improving your overall health and your sense of well being, exercise has the added benefit of being a stress buster. Exercise pumps up your endorphins, helps relax and calm the body and mind and improves sleep. It is also a great way to break the monotony of the day.
7. Eat healthily and stay hydrated
Your health should always be your number one priority. We usually tend to neglect our physical health during exam season. This is a big mistake. Eating well, drinking lots of water, providing your body with the essentials and a bit more, goes a long way in helping you during exams and keeping stress at bay.
8. Talk to someone
Sometimes talking to someone close to you might help you in dealing with exam stress. Maybe it is just hearing their voice or maybe it is their faith in you or even their encouraging words. Either way speaking to a family member or a friend can motivate and empower you to rise above the exam stress.
Exams are a part of life for students. There is simply no way in getting around it. But that doesn’t mean you should let exam stress take over your life.


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