Semonkong High School

Combined School

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Semonkong High School is a school in Lesotho which is found in the rural areas of the country. It was started in 1971 as the community school under the management of Ernest Makoanyane Mahomo. It started with the group of 26 students who sat for Junior Certificate examinations in 1973. The school was started with the following first teachers: Mr. Aloysius Nchai the principal and Sr. Benedicta Mokoma. The two had PH certificate (Higher Primary teachers` certificate. The third was Rosalia Montsi who had a COSC (Cambridge Overseas School Certificate).

The school was later handed over to Rev.Fr.Cosino for administration and for looking for more funds for building of more classrooms, buying other pieces of furniture and hiring of more teachers. It was under supervision of Fr. Cosino that the school was registered legally under the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) so that teachers may be paid by the government. The school remained under the management of Fr. Cosino working with the following principals Mr. Valentinus Sephohle Manaka, BA.ED, who was followed by Sr. Bernadina Motenalapi who had BA.ED certificate.

When time goes on the management changed and the school was run by Rev.Fr.Latrimoille OMI who also felt that he had too much in hands. Therefore, he handed over the management of the school to Good Shepherd Sisters up to the moment. The first principal since the school was run by Good Shepherd Sisters was Sr. St. Pius who has BA.ED. She started the management work in 1983. Those who followed her are Sr. St. Luke, Dip. ED., Sr. Clara Rapholo MA ED, Sr. Armelina Tsiki BA. ED, Sr. Theresia Thiane B.ED and Sr. Maria Makhetha Bsc.ED.


The school got funds amounting to M4,300.00 to build two classrooms at the new site which is outside the mission. From there certain amount of money was charged from each student for daily running of the school. Money which was charged and which is still charged is too little for the life of the school especially because school is in the remote mountainous place of the country. Due to lack of employment parents at this place are less privileged as it is hard for them to find money to send their children to school though they are trying very hard to assist their children.


Currently learners at this school are 659 and most of them are the needy and the orphaned children who have a great challenge of paying school fee. A little number of learners has sponsorship from government and from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Because there is a little financial support from government, this says the school is facing a big challenge of running school with too little money while many needs are not addressed.

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