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Sedibeng Primary School

Primary School
  • 1172 Jiyane, Refilwe, Cullinan, 1000
  • Cullinan, Gauteng
  • +0127321404

Sedibeng Primary School was established in 1934 in the Refilwe community. The school is surrounded by an informal settlement, and is within the pensioners dwelling. There is a high rate of unemployment which leads to severe poverty. Most of the workers are labourers with limited income. There is a high rate of illiteracy amongst the community members. There is child-headed families as a result of the HIV and AIDS pandemic.

Sedibeng is a no-fee school dependent on the ring-fenced grants from the Department of Education, and is categorised under quantile 2.

Currently the school enrolled 1676 learners from Grade R to Grade 7, and employed 45 Educators and 8 PS staff.

Vision: To nurture and develop learners’ basic health, socio-physical, mental and moral aspects, and provide quality education to all learners.

Mission: Sedibeng Primary School is committed to rendering quality inclusive education through good governance, effective teaching and learning, skills development, involvement of stakeholders, and maximum utilisation of limited resources for socio-economic enhancement for all learners.

1 Follower

1172 Jiyane, Refilwe, Cullinan, 1000
Cullinan Gauteng


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