I am a Christian
Posted by Roger Dickinson on 20 May 2024, 14:20 SAST

I am a Christian
I live and move and have my being in a God who chooses to be a Creator and a Companion
A Baby and a Commoner.
He who forgives and does not forget me!
Who lifts me up, opens the way before me and makes me great.
Elohim. Adonai. El Shaddai! El Roi!
I owe this faith to countless ordinary men and women, who lived and loved.
Laying down a path to a different Way.
A better One!
I take my place amongst fellow travellers, walking a road of mystery, mysticism and the mission to bring heaven to Earth
I am one with those worshiping in elaborate cathedrals and extravagant mega churches.
Those sharing fellowship under trees, in hidden basements and battered tents.
And those lonely pilgrims walking and kneeling in whispered silence. By themselves, with their God.
In traumatic confusion I realise that I share the same faith with the...
Conquerers and Conquered.
Colonizers and Colonized.
Slaves and Slave owners,
Racists and Racialised
Oppressors and Oppressed,
Victims and Perpetrators
The Faithful and the Faithless
I am all of these! And none of these!
I take my place in a faith that has shaped my world for better and for worse.
And knowing all this, I choose still to walk and work this Faith.
In the hope that I would prove myself a Disciple, a washer of feet, a bringer of Light.
And being part of all this. I humbly claim that: I am a Christian