Pfunzo Ndi Tshedza Primary School
Primary School
- 35194 Mmupudu, Extension 6, Mamelodi East, 0122
- Pretoria, Gauteng
- +0128018618
Pfunzo Ndi Tshedza Primary School Home
Specialisation | Ordinary |
Sector | Public |
Area Classification | Urban |
School Name | Pfunzo Ndi Tshedza Primary School |
Phone Number | 012 943 9212 |
Email Address | |
Principal Email | |
SGB Chairperson | Dikotope W |
SGB Chairperson Contact Number | 0769441747 |
School District | Tshwane South D4 |
District Contact Person | Matebane J |
District Contact Person Email | |
Total Enrollment | 1788 |
Grade 1 Enrollment | 267 |
Grade 2 Enrollment | 226 |
Grade 3 Enrollment | 227 |
Grade 4 Enrollment | 236 |
Grade 5 Enrollment | 256 |
Grade 6 Enrollment | 212 |
Grade 7 Enrollment | 232 |
Grade 8 Enrollment | N/A |
Grade 8 Enrollment | N/A |
Grade 9 Enrollment | N/A |
Grade 10 Enrollment | N/A |
Grade 11 Enrollment | N/A |
Grade 12 Enrollment | N/A |
school is situated within township area of Mamelodi. The school generally started in 2005. Majority of parents of learners are not employed within this area and learners are from different backgrounds mostly a disadvantage one which is informal settlement. Most of them depend on social grants and child support grants for survival. The school has an enrolment of 1788 learners in the reporting year. Most of these learners depend on government feeding scheme for meals at school. Some of these learners are orphans.However most parents are willing to support the school with the beautification of the environment and the total development of the school. Parents are partly involved in the learning and teaching of their learners. We have 44 CS permanent staff with 2deputy principals and 5 Departmental Heads and with 11 PS permanent and 4 Grade R practitioners as well as 1 principal . The school has 26 bricks classrooms and 11 mobile classrooms 1 Brick classroom and 3 mobile classrooms for Grade R. Our school starts from Grade R to Grade 7. The school starts at 07h30 and end at 14h30. We are looking to improve the governance of the school.
We develop a teacher- parent consultation programme in each term. The aim is to communicate with parents about the performance of our learners.
Report cards are issued on a term basis to parents to view the learner’s performance.
Results analysis is initiated on a term basis and intervention strategies are developed.
Parents of learners with barriers work closely with SBST to improve performance.
Learner’s attendance is properly monitored on a daily basis every morning and late comers are recorded.
We have also instituted assembly reading and daily mental maths for all grades every Friday.
We have a total of 1788 learners with 4 classes in Grade R, 7 classes in Grade 1, 6 classes in Grade 2, 6 classes in Grade 3, 5 classes in Grade 4, 5 classes in Grade 5, 4 classes in Grade 6 and 5 classes in Grade 7.
Our school school motor "Let your light shine day and night"
The school is deeply focused on PROVIDING learners with capacity building programs which ENTRENCHES sustainable, self-reliance skills, knowledge and value systems.
Our school jointly with it's stake holders commits itself to provide Quality education and Skills Development which shall enable learners succeed against life challenges and become socially acceptable citizens.
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