Petrusville High School

Secondary School
  • School Street, , Petrusville, 8770
  • Petrusville, Northern Cape
  • +0536630237

April 2024, Term 2

Posted by Mark B Ballot on 04 April 2024, 16:05 SAST
Mark B  Ballot photo

As we set out at the beginning of a new term, remember that you possess within you an extraordinary power. You have the power to shape the destinies of the young ones in your care. And while you are helping to form their futures you are at the same time shaping your own.

Every new beginning is a fresh start. It is a chance for you to forget what is behind and to set off on a bold new path.

With every new opportunity there will also come new challenges. Face them with courage and determination. See them as the stepping stones that will forge your character and mold you into the kind of person who can turn dreams into reality.

This is really your moment to shine. You are saving the world one child at a time.

So dare to dream boldly, set audacious goals, and refuse to settle for anything less than greatness. 

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