Onverwacht Primary School

Primary School
  • 0134 Stand, Onverwacht, Cullinan, 1000
  • Pretoria, Gauteng
  • +0127320489

Onverwacht is a multicultural farming community about 10 km from Cullinan. Onverwacht Primary School is the only school in Onverwacht that is offering learning from Grade R to 7. The school is receiving learners from Onverwacht, surrounding farms, Refilwe, Cullinan and Ekangala. Our language of learning is English and our first additional languages are Afrikaans & Sepedi. The language combination makes our school very popular and challenging when it comes to enrollment. The school is a quantile 1 school which means it’s a no fees school. The School governing body is currently planning to introduce grade RR. This initiative will be managed by our school governing body. We are very thankful for Petra Diamonds who are currently assisting us with the Centre.

The staff consists of a total of 21 staff members that provide the following classes: Grade R to 7 with two classes in each grade and 2 educators per grade additionally to a LSE class to support learners with special needs.

The total enrollment is 696 with the 70 Grade R's.

School projects the school has embarked on: Integrated African languages; Click Foundation home learning program; Vegetable Garden project in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture; Animal wellbeing with Optima Veterinary Clinic; Sports program supported by the Department of Sports and Recreation.

We are grateful for our sponsors that help us to achieve great things at school. They are Cullinan Diamond Mine, Smile of Joy, Onverwacht Brothersbond and Optima Veterinary Clinic Cullinan.

1 Follower

0134 Stand, Onverwacht, Cullinan, 1000
Pretoria Gauteng
