Matholeng High School

Secondary School
  • Mafeteng, Mafeteng
  • +2662070023


Matholeng is a Japan grand in Aid Government High School established in 2010. It is Found along Werner road route, in Matholeng village, approximately four kilometres away from Mafeteng town. Close to its vicinity is Lesotho Defence force barracks. The school began with enrolment of 150 students. students into three classes and six granted teacher.

Matholeng high school was established in 2008 by the Ministry of Education and 1'raining with the help of Japan grant aid. The school was established in this community because the other schools in the same area were no longer able to absorb all leaners from the primary school and the parents were not able to serrd their children to f'ar schools because they could not aflord to pay for their rent or transportation costs. The school started functioning in 201 0 with a roll of 150 str"rdents and six granted teachers. Since then the number of students enrolled in our school everv year has becn incrcasing.

Throughout its existence, Matholeng high school has been able to produce highly qualified human resources for this country. Students from this school are able to make it to higher institutions in the country and even outside the country. We are proud to state here that some of our students are professional teachers at primary level and high school level, soldiers, professional carpenters. business administrators, caters and same have opened their own businesses.

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