Kgabang Primary School

Primary School
  • Corner Shuping And Long Street, Motswedimoswa, Ritchie, 8701
  • Ritchie, Northern Cape
  • +0798855599

Update of the Spell it programme at Kgabang Primary School

Posted by Emelda Sebusang on 31 May 2017, 18:40 SAST
Emelda Sebusang photo

Report prepared by Emelda Sebusang.

The Spell it programme has changed the lives and mindsets of our learners, it has improved the school's pass rate since we started the programme. 

Grade 4's are involved in the programme. We have 4 grade 4 classes each class has +-40 learners. I get 2days per week for 1:30 with the learners and we stay for 1hour after school.

Durning this time of the year educators are busy with tasks so I don't spent time with learners durning school hours only after school.

The challenge I face is that I have to work with a huge/large amount of learners. From now on I this I should use the hour after school to work with the poor group.

Next Monday (05 June) learners are starting with examination.

africa, department of education, droogfontien, kgabang primary school, literacy, northern cape, spelling bee, spell it

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