Gamtoosvalley Primary School
Primary School
- Teddy Ferreira,patensie,6335
- Patensie, Eastern Cape
- +0422830246
Gamtoosvalley Primary School Home
Specialisation | Primary Subjects |
Sector | Public |
Area Classification | Uitenhage |
School Name | Gamtoovalleysvalleys Primary School |
Phone Number | 0422830246 |
Email Address | |
Website | |
Principal Email | |
SGB Chairperson | Mr . E . C . Colling |
SGB Chairperson Contact Number | 0823875447 |
School District | Uitenhage |
District Contact Person | Ms. Macuba |
District Contact Person Email | 04219954160/0419954155 |
Total Enrollment | Girls:85; Boys: 53 |
Grade 1 Enrollment | Boys:11 ; Girls: 11 |
Grade 2 Enrollment | Boys: 10; Girls: 11 |
Grade 3 Enrollment | Boys:10 ; Girls: 18 |
Grade 4 Enrollment | Boys: 10 ;Girls:15 |
Grade 5 Enrollment | Boys: 13; Girls: 9 |
Grade 6 Enrollment | Boys: 6; Girls: 11 |
Grade 7 Enrollment | Boys: 3; Girls: 10 |
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