Eden Park Primary School
Primary School
Eden Park Primary School Home
Specialisation | Education & Training |
Sector | Education |
Area Classification | Gauteng |
School Name | Eden Park Primary School |
Phone Number | 0876540132 |
Email Address | edenparkprim340018@gmail.com |
Principal Email | kashif.oliphant@gmail.com |
Welcome to Eden Park Primary School
The vision of Edenpark Primary is the maintenance of and expansion of our school's mainly Christian character, with due regard and respect for other religious convictions. We stand to provide quality education to all our learners without prejudice about religion, language, colour, or gender as well as the creation of a pleasing and welcoming school climate such that it fosters collaboration and inclusivity.
We, the educators' corps, bind us to the upliftment and advancement of the school's vision through:
- The maintenance of a healthy balance between academic, cultural, and sporting activities.
- Dedication, professionalism, and motivation to deliver quality education in a responsible, professional and democratic manner.
- The cooperation of all the stakeholders- The educators, GDE, learners, and parents- improves the physical resources to create a pleasant learning experience for all our learners.
- The provision of extracurricular activities through which the learner's interest in sport and culture could be stimulated to make them cultured and well-rounded citizens of our country.
- To celebrate diversity through recognizing potential and reducing barriers to learning.
- Increasing the competence of teachers as teachers to act on their recognition of emotional and social factors affecting children's learning capacity.
At Edenpark Primer/Primary FSS we strive to develop dynamic, inclusive including progressive support for all our learners.
Monday to Friday
Grade R: 8h00 - 12h00
Grade 2: 8h00 - 13h00
Grade 2 & 3: 8h00 - 13h00
Grade 4 to 7: 8h00 - 8h00 0 14h00
Teachers: 7h30 - 14:30
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