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We invite you to upload your profile, find and connect with like-minded people all aiming for A Better Africa.People.png Whether you are an educator, a learner, a parent, or belong to an organisation, company or any other educational/training stakeholder group, please upload your profile and details.

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Frequent Contributors

  1. Mark B  Ballot photo
    Mark B Ballot

    A Better Africa

  2. Olwethu Majaja photo
    Olwethu Majaja

    A Better Africa

  3. Ethan Dickinson photo
    Ethan Dickinson

    A Better Africa Foundation

  4. Default profile photo
    Gabriella Ballot

    A Better Africa

  5. Default profile photo
    Community Manager

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May 29

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Roger Dickinson published I am a Christian

2 months ago

February 20

January 29

Bhoomi Thakkar shared a file: SSL Upgradation.pdf

5 months ago

November 30

Letswalo L Marobane @Gideon Kasongo (Teacher) shared a file: Ethan kasongo.docx

7 months ago

Letswalo L Marobane @Gideon Kasongo (Teacher) contributed to the wiki Suggested Wiki Pages

7 months ago

November 15

September 04

August 31

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Recent Reviews People Have Written

  1. Default user photo
    Amanda Mutale
    Wonderful resources

    The Complete Teacher

  2. 0ppermanskraal Primary School photo
    Mark Greeff
    This is a great school

    0ppermanskraal Primary School