Witbank Primêre Skool

Primary School
  • Witbank, , Pofadder, 8890
  • Witbank, Northern Cape
  • +0549330821

Update on the spell 2 read 2 write programme Q1, 2024

Posted by Eliane Hannam on 23 March 2024, 11:45 SAST
Eliane  Hannam photo
My name is Eliane Hannam. 

I am the Assistant teacher at Witbank Primary school. This is my update for Quarter 1 of 2024

In Quarter 1, we completed the following activities of the following activities of the spell 2 read 2 write programme. 

1.The schonell reading test

2.Oral Reading  fluency test

3. Reading drills everyday as warm up, alphabet play.

4.Reading stories, King game play

6. Speed reading

The highlight for the quarter was seeing that the learners are willing to learn and seeing that there is some improvement  from last year . I had more time this quarter with the learners.

The challenges I found were we started in February and time was limited as to the Alison courses i had to do, I could not do all of the courses due to the network problem with the Wifi at the school. I also had challenges with a few learners who are still struggling to read.

In the next quarter I will be focusing more on the learners who are struggling to read by giving them seperate individual attention to improve their reading. I will also be focusing more on my courses and improve on all the challenges I faced this quarter.

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