Phakamisani High School

Secondary School
  • Rawstorne Street, , Hanover, 7005
  • Hanover, Northern Cape
  • +0536430008

Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Ntomboxolo Zweni on 25 March 2024, 12:35 SAST
Ntomboxolo   Zweni photo

My name is Ntomboxolo Zweni. I am a Teacher Assistant at Phakamisani High School. This is my update for Quarter 1 of 2024. 

In quarter 1 we completed the following activties of the spell2read2write programme

1. Consonants

2. Vowel.

3. Sing along for vowels, Pronounciation of consonants

4. ORF

5. Crossword activities from previous pack given for spelling bee preps.

6. Alison courses

My Highliht for this quarter has to be passing my Alison course with +- 90%.

We had a few challenges this quarter namely

1. Connectivity problems

2. Problems with Alison Courses

3. Struggling with the new suggested way of uploading on the ABA page

4. Not enough working material for working with learners 

In the next quarter I will be focusing on Spelling to check the lessons of Consonants and Vowels Pronounciation also on memory if the work done in quarter one is well remembered and applied.

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