Phakamisani High School

Secondary School
  • Rawstorne Street, , Hanover, 7005
  • Hanover, Northern Cape
  • +0536430008

Quarter 1 report March 2024

Posted by Nomaphelo Nkumbi on 21 March 2024, 09:45 SAST
Nomaphelo Nkumbi photo

1. Update on the Spell2read2write programme Q1 2024

2. My name is Nomaphelo Nkumbi. I am the teacher assistant at Phakamisani high School.

This is my update for quarter 1 of 2024.

3. In Q1, we completed the following activities of the Spell2read2write programme:

-Consonants and vowels

-Sing along for small vowels


-Allison courses

-Spelling bee preps

4. The highlights for the quarter:

-Completing and getting good grades on the Allison courses.

5. The challenges I found were:

-Uploading my weekly report on the ABA site

-Not having enough working material to work with the learners

-Connectivity/network problems when I was doing my Allison courses

6. In the next quarter I will be focusing on:

-Assist to improve the reading skills/abilities of my priority learners

-Completing all my remaining Alison courses especially course 4 (Learning how to learn) so that I can teach my learners some of the lessons covered in the course as it will help to improve their learning.

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