Petrusville Primêre Skool

Primary School
  • A5 Botha Avenue, Uitsig, Petrusville, 8770
  • Petrusville, Northern Cape
  • +0536630058

Quarter1 Report

Posted by Anton Nero on 20 March 2024, 11:40 SAST
Anton Nero photo

My name is Anton Nero .I'm a Teacher Assistant 

Petrusville Primary School

This is my update for Quarter 1 of 2024

In Quarter1, we completed the following activities of the spell2read2write programme

Vowels, ghtfor the Quarter was that all priority learners showed interest in reading writing and spelling more 

Challenges faced was time not being on my side to complete all tasks and reports in due time 

In the next Quarter I'll be focusing on using my time more effectively and work towards the spelling competition.

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