Petrusville Primêre Skool

Primary School
  • A5 Botha Avenue, Uitsig, Petrusville, 8770
  • Petrusville, Northern Cape
  • +0536630058

Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Eduardo Davids on 20 March 2024, 08:55 SAST
Eduardo Davids photo

My name is Eduardo Davids.Iam the Teacher Assistant at Petrusville Primary School.This is my update for Quarter 1 of 2024

In Quarter 1, we completed the following activities of the Spell2read2write programme.

●The ORF test

●Consonants charts

●vowels chart

The highlight for the Quarter was that every learner were able to participate in every actibity. The were very active and enjoyed every moment in class.Iam also glad that they do better as we go with time.

The challenges I found, time were very short.We moved from the old school building to the new school building so chaos was on our site and time was needed to settle in, but as time went on we got all things done.

In the next quarter I will be focusing on my priority learners like this quarter so that they can grow in education.

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