Petrusville High School

Secondary School
  • School Street, , Petrusville, 8770
  • Petrusville, Northern Cape
  • +0536630237

Quarter 1 Report March 2024

Posted by Anathi Mgijima on 20 March 2024, 10:30 SAST
Anathi Mgijima photo

My name is Anathi Mgijima 

I am the Teacher Assistant at Petrusville High School. 

This is my update for Quarter 1 of 2024

In Quarter 1, we completed the following activities of the spell2read2write programme

ORF Test



Vowel songs

Online Courses

Reading activities 

The highlight for the Quarter was how active and enthusiastic the learners were with participating in the mentioned activities, the learners themselves would sometimes arrange for us to meet with them

The challenges I found were time constraints, we would sometimes struggle to meet with the learners because of the duties given to us by the school, we would struggle to also meet with the learners because the teachers would want to use them at certain times, the online courses was also a struggle to complete due to the limited number of computers in the school and the duties the school has given us.

In the next quarter I will be focusing on the spelling bee as well as the other online courses 

Thank you

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