Majozi PC (Bonza)


Majozi PC (Bonza) Home

NamePhilokuhle Collin Majozi
Current post including schoolHe is currently working as a coordinator for online learning and data analytics.
Qualifications and Institutions attendedHe comes from a science background
(BSc Chemistry) and recently completed his BEd Honours in Computer-Integrated Education which
focusses on how to teach effectively with technology.
AchievementsHe spends some of his time mentoring the
youth who are in academic pathways to improve their chances of success. Several youth he has been
mentoring over the years are now in tertiary and some completed, with one of them having an
international exposure.

Bonza Majozi is a qualified teacher with a specialization in Physical and Natural Sciences. He has a diverse teaching experience encompassing rural, township, suburban schools and enrichment programmes offered by non-profit organizations and higher education institutions.

He is currently working as a coordinator for online learning and data analytics. He comes from a science background (BSc Chemistry) and recently completed his BEd Honours in Computer-Integrated Education which focusses on how to teach effectively with technology.

Bonza sees himself as a lifelong long scholar and continues to up skill himself formally and informally for in platforms like Coursera, Udemy and LinkedIn. He regards continuous development of skills and knowledge as a basis of what it means to be human. He spends some of his time mentoring the youth who are in academic pathways to improve their chances of success.

Several youth he has been mentoring over the years are now in tertiary and some completed, with one of them having an international exposure. In the age of big data, he sees the use of data as a tool for social justice as through it, individuals who are struggling can be supported much earlier so that do not lose the opportunity towards their greatness.

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