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Kathu Junior School

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  • Kathu , Northern Cape

Tuesday Training

Posted by Mark B Ballot on 11 June 2024, 09:55 SAST
Mark B  Ballot photo

Today we learn from world renowned author, speaker and coach Tony Robbins.

The 90-second rule is one of Tony Robbins’ natural remedies for anxiety. Accept that you feel fearful in the moment and look at a timer or clock; you have 90 seconds to feel terrible. Align your head and your heart through heart breathing and allow yourself 90 seconds to feel self-pity or fear or anger or worry. Then change your focus and let it go. Move on for good and accept that those feelings are in the past. Once you do this enough, getting rid of anxiety becomes easier, because you’re accepting the feelings instead of pushing them away.

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Posted by Mark B Ballot on 19 April 2024, 14:50 SAST
Mark B  Ballot photo

It is often said, “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.” But that is not just some throw away cliche, there is true power in teamwork.

*“Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve UNCOMMON results”*

Being self-focused can seriously limit our potential and success in life. In our individualistic society today, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of personal success and lose sight of the bigger picture.

There is immense personal growth that occurs when you work in harmony with others. When you collaborate with a team, you're exposed to diverse perspectives, new ideas, inspiration, encouraging energy and innovative approaches. This not only expands your own skill set but also cultivates qualities in you like adaptability, empathy, and resilience.

*“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team”*

Healthy competition is good but from a spiritual perspective it is better to view others as collaborators instead of competitors. Your success is intertwined with the success of those around you.

Let the power of the team flow through you. Always be getting help and input from those who are ahead of you or stronger than you. And always be giving help to those who are less able than you are. Get mentors, counselors and many advisers. And be all those things to others.

*“Don’t aspire to be the best on the team. Aspire to be the best for the team.”*

Remember, when you lift others up, you also elevate yourself.

Happy Friday

All the best to you 

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