Frank Biggs Primêre Skool

Combined School
  • Frank Biggs Primêre, , Louisvale, 8809
  • Louisvaledorp, Northern Cape
  • +0543351003

#Wednesday Wisdom

Olwethu Majaja photo

Added by Olwethu Majaja
3 months ago

Linked from: youtube
#Wednesday Wisdom

King Solomon, the wisest man to ever walk the face of the planet, once famously said,

"Two are better than one because they have a more satisfying return for their combined efforts.

If either one of them falls, the one still standing will lift up his companion.

But pity the fool who is alone when he falls and does not have someone on his side to lift him up.

Again, if two lie down together, then they can keep warm, but how can one be warm alone?

And though an adversary may overpower the one who loves flying solo, a two man squad can neutralize the threat.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

The wise king was revealing a great secret here. Relationships are at the core of success. And the most potent form of relational strength is the Team.

No one achieves great things on their own. Greatness is the fruit of teamwork.

Today we dive into one of the key ingredients in building a healthy and effective team: "Trust!"

And how do you build trust in a team?

1 Communication
2 Connection
3 Commitment

Effective communication, relational and emotional connection, and commitment are the pillars of trust within a team.

Clear, honest communication fosters transparency, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Relational and emotional connections create a sense of belonging and empathy, strengthening bonds.

Commitment to shared goals and mutual support demonstrates reliability and dedication.

Together, these elements cultivate a trusting environment where collaboration thrives and team members feel valued and empowered.

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