De Aar Junior Primêre Skool

Primary School
  • Oxford Street, , De Aar, 7000
  • De Aar, Northern Cape
  • +0535313202

Throwback Thursday

Posted by Mark B Ballot on 20 June 2024, 11:05 SAST
Mark B  Ballot photo


Today we look back and celebrate all the amazing Teacher Assistants,  Spelling Coaches and Reading Champions we have worked with over many years. 

They have come from places such as Lenasia, Soweto, Zandspruit, Kimberley, Kathu, Loeriesfontein, De Aar, Gouda, Humansdorp,  Wattville, Eldorado Park, and many others. These young people have worked tirelessly to support learners in improving their reading and spelling.

Thank you for all you have done. 🙏🏼

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