Bathokwa Primary School

Primary School
  • 1 Lephora Street, Saulsville, Pretoria, 0122
  • Pretoria, Gauteng
  • +0123755416

My update for Quarter 1 of 2024

Posted by Nelly Kubyana on 20 March 2024, 21:30 SAST
Nelly  Kubyana photo

My name is Nelly Kubyana 

I am the Teacher Assistant at Bathokwa Primary school.

1. In Quarter 1, we completed the following activities of the spell2read2write programme

  • ORF The Big Red Apple 
  • Spelling Test
  • Alphabets
  • Consonants and vowels 
  • Video sound and songs

2. The highlight for the Quarter was:

Most students can recognize most letters and sounds.

They can construct two- or three-letter words and pronounce them.

They demonstrate that they can read level 1 library books.

3. The challenges I found were;

Three students are unable to distinguish or grasp letters and sounds. They exhibit no curiosity and no willingness to try.

4. In the next coming quarter I will be focusing on; 

I'll be concentrating on reading out and blending two or three letter sounds in the upcoming quarter. Consonant (T) + vowel (A) = at

Vowel (A) + consonant (T) + consonant (C) = cat.

Put reading books to bed with comprehension. To help in narrating a narrative or giving an exam in front of the class, emphasize speaking in English and help them become familiar with some new vocabulary.

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